Wouldn't it be great to have a Pet Christmas Tree. Well we've got a few examples of how easy it is to put one together. The treecan be as big or as small as you want. Add a few Christmas ball ornaments of your choice along with the pet ornamnets and you'll see how quickly the tree will fill up and still have the Pet Christmas Tree feel. Below are five great ideas of Pet Christmas Trees that we hope you like.
As you can see we've also added a few of our favorites Charlie Brown Christmas Trees that are so easy for you or the kids to make and fit just about any where on a kitchen counter, fireplace mantle or end table while making it so easy to see all your adorable pet ornaments.
Pet Themed Christmas This burlap base tree is available almost everywhere. This guy put some bones, lights and balls on his, but remember your DIY individual ornaments you made would look terrific on this.
Milk Bone Pet Tree Now what dog doesn't love a good bone. This rustic looking ttree is so easy to make and the results are oh so cute.. All you need is your doggies favorite healthy bone and your all set to get this adorable result. The bones pictured seem to have holes on either end to put strung through and hang. I f your bones don't have holes then jus tie around the center or each end,. Make sure you keep the tree up higher, out of pups reach, cause it will be too tempting to resist.
CharlieBrownChristmas Tree #1 Another really cute and simple tree that is so easy a child is actually demenstrating how to make it. So small it will fit anywhere butsmaller big enough to put a picture of your loved ones and one or two pet ornaments on to give it that holiday feel.
Carlie Brown Christmas Tree #2 This is a a really easy tree to make and will fit on any table or window sill. Make it as small or big as you want and all you need are 2 or 3 pet ornaments to complete. Add a light weight bow for a little extra something.
Charlie Brown Christmas Tree #3 Again this tree is super easy. Replace all those ball ornaments with a few Pet ornaments and you have yourself a wonderful Pet Christma Tree for any doggie or kitty friend. Perfect on all mantles to admire whiile sitting around a warm fire.
So, there you have two actual Christmas trees perfect for pet ornaments , plus three quick and easy DIY Charlie Brown Christmas trees that are also perfect to convert to a pet tree. Which ever one you choose, remember to have fun with it and always adjust to your own tastes. If you have kids (and I mean two-legged ones),,be sure to let them help you create your eown Pet Christmas Tree. for your four-legged furry kiddies.