This morning when I went to let my dogs out, I wished I had prepared better for this crumby weather that my pups hade to go out in.. They could barely stand the ice and snow on their feet and needless to say they didn't stay our for more than a minute or two. But my motto has always been, better late than never and next time I'll be ready.
These Pawz Boots for Dogs is something to consider if there's a snow fall again or any inclement weather for that matter. The boots are reusable for a couple of times, disposable and 100% biodegradable and the country of origin is the USA.
However, you must remember, these are only in my opinion, a quick fix for paw protection in your own backyard. They are not made for walking through woods, mountain climbing or even long walks. These are for folks who want to protect their indoor pets from the elements outside in their own backyard. You might even give them a try on hot sand as many dogs don't like to walk on that. If you do more vigorous activities with your dogs, these are not for them.
Pawz comes in all sorts of sizes for all kinds of dogs and some really nice colors for the fashion concious pup. Check it out on, they come in a pack of 12. Next time let's be prepared…your doggies paws are gonna love it. Enjoy!