There's still plenty of time to get a great costume in Pumpkin motif if your planing on having a Halloween party or going to one or just taking the pup out Trick or Treating or just struuting along in any pet friendly store. I found this cutie costume that you might want to consiider.
This adorable Flytes of Fancy Pumpkin Dog Costume for the little guy or gal is easy an simple for your pet to wear while still looking like a Pumpkin and perhaps feeling like a Pumpkin for a day. There's no denying your buddy will be a big hit anywhere he or she goes in this Pumpkin outfit.
Made in the U.S.A., of course, this orange Pumpkin outfit has a green felt stem and leaves with ear loops and ties, made for easy wearing. The collar is orange on one side and green on the reversible side and features an elasticized neck, also for easy wearing….afterall, we wnat our dogs to definitely look cute but we also want them to be comfortable, and this “what's not to like costume” fits that bill.
You can find this Pumpkin costume on, where you will find an easy sizing chart to see if your pup needs Large, Medium, Small or Extra Small…just an absolutely terrific way to celebrate the Pumpkin season. Oh, I almost forgot, because of the easy fit, maybe the smaller sizes may even fit you furry kitty cat also, so check that option out on the sizing chart. Enjoy!