We're always looking for different, healthy dog treats for our babies by checking ingredients and looking to see where it's made. We always strive for the best for our pets because that's what keeps them healthy and helps us keep the vet bills down. An ounce of prevention always helps…right?
Well, I found these Dr. Harvey's Sweet Potate'r Chews Dog Treat and guess what…the only ingredient is Sweet Potato…that's right, Sweet Potato only and not only that, they are made right here in the good old U.S.A.
These 100% all natural ingredient chew treats are great for all dogs in all stages of life and most importantly they are low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals and safer than any rawhide chew. No worries with these chews because they have no preservatives, dyes or chemicals…just what we like to hear.
The chews come in several different sizes for all kinds of dogs big, medium or small so take a look on your favorite site for this extra special dog chew that will more than likely get you a few extra licks from your four-legged buddy. Enjoy!