DIY Eco-Friendly Pet Feeding Station

Recently I've been hating the look of my pets feeding place in the kitchen.  It's just a mat with the bowls on top, definitely nothing special.

The mat is getting old and piling from washing and I began to think I could find or better yet make something so much nicer than what I had now…because afterall my pets are certainly very special.

So I started to look around and lo and behold I actually found some really cool looking “Feeding Stations” or “Dining Station” as these are actually called.

So here are some of the finds I found with my little take on some of them. Sure you can buy all kinds of food stations for your pets, but doing it yourself allows you to really find a hidden little gem that no one else will have. Plus reuse, recycle, repurpose. That's the name of the game.

Dog Toy Box Feeding Station: This is self explanatory.  Any wood tall, short,  big or small box depending on your dogs size.  It can be toy, ammo or some sort of crate. Some old  time graphics are always really nice.  Also,  I myself love to put wheels on alot of things…easier to clean underneath and makes it mobile if you need to to move it around…give it a try, you just might like it too.

Pet Feeding Cabinet:  This is a great idea if room permits. Food is easily accessed and scooped from hinged top. Middle drawer for leashes, treats, etc. bottom drawer is food and water bowl. You'll have to get top of dresser off and hinge it…that will be for the food.  Other two draws for toys and treats, cloths or leashes and meds also.  Add a piece of wood to the top of bottom draw that has two drilled holes for bowls, paint and your all set.  Close draw when not in use.

Dog Dining Station:  This is great for smaller pups and very easy to make.  Paint any color you want to compliment its surroundings….paint on names or stencils and stuff like that to make it unique.  be sure to use a lead free paint or a safe stain.

Cat and/or Dog Feeding Station;  All you need is an old dresser, any size you have room for will do and it doesn't have to be so tall.   Drill a hole in the top for the cats food.  Next simply remove bottom draw, put a piece of wood with two holes drilled as pictured for sturdiness and paint and decorate.  Use draws that are leftover for cat and dog foods and of course treats.  Simple to make and nice and neat for all.

DIY Step Stool Food Station:   If you can't find an old step stool to repurpose, consider making your own for either a cat or dog from scratch.  These easy steps will walk you through it and the height is up to you depending your babies needs and size.  Paint it solid or decorate, add  add two or three stainless bowls and you have your pets own personal feeding station that's functional and attractive.

Easy Elevated Pet Station  A simple roasting pan turned upside down and then a nice old metal tray (hopefully you can find one at a garage sale, flea market or estate sale. That alone is such a fun search to do and hopefully is decorated very nicely).  If you can find one I would coat it with a safe, clear finish for easy cleaning.  If it's not  already decorated to your taste, well then, let your imagination run wild and redo it…all with safe eco materials of course.

Kitchen Shelf Feeding Station;  If you just happen to have an island and a bottom shelf that's just a waste of space, consider making it into a pet feeding station.  If your going to redo you kitchen then build this really nice feeding station into the plan…you won't be sorry you did.

Cat Feeding Station & Bed Combo; This is a really neat idea if you have the room and a spot a spare wall to put it on. Find a an old desk drawer combo with a flip down top.   Remove flip top, paint and add a nice eco-friendly cushion for your kitties top sleep on.  Use the botton of the desk for a feeding station.  The directions aren't too difficult.

The pictures above are some fairly easy pet feeding station to make and actrually make a very nice feeding station project  I don't have the DIY directions for them but a pictures tells a thousand word. 

Modern Food Station:  Really simple and sleek…you'll need one 1/2 moon wood shelf…4 stainless legs of your choice and a can of safe paint and of course a couple of  stainless bowls for the total look and one, two, three you'll have this great looking station.

Metal Plant Stand Feeding Staion:  If you can find one of these wonderful old metal planter than you'll be all set to go. Be sure to check out estate sale, flea markets and places like that.  You'll be pleasantly surprised at all the great things you can find.  After you find one like these or similar, simply spray paint and find a couple of ceramic or stainless bowls that fit the openings. Check out the two totaly different plant stand that were used for these pet feeders and the finishes also..

Wicker Food Station:  A little more work to this one…yes this can be bought, wht, when you can easily make this also.  You'll need five pieces of wood…two will be f longer ones for the top and bottom and three the same size but shorter for the sides and center piece. The top longer one will need two holes drilled for the bowls.  Put it together like a rectangular box with one smaller in the center inside of the box  Add some wheels or legs, paint and get matchind wicker baskets with liners …or not for the pup or kitty toys, how cute is that.

Upside Down Metal Shelves:  Check out the picture in the bottom right hand corner.  These are actually metal shelves turned upside down.  Any kind of shelf of this kind will do.  Maybe you'll just find one bigger one that will accomodate two or even three bowl.  A little spray paint and these upside down shelves are good to go…and oh so nice. 

Check out all the feeding stations that are listed and you'll find they are mostly easy to put together.  These are just ideas and hopefully will give you some insight and other great ideas for these unique and interesting station.  It's always better when you make these things yourself by repurposing and refinishing old stuff and making these stations not only safe and ec-friendly but oh so beautiful.   So go have some fun, finding some of these items and let us know what you made.  We'd love to hear from you.



