Zoo Med Aquatic Turtle Habitat Tub Kit

Okay, so here's the deal.  I love dogs and cats, always have, always will, so they're my choice of pets, but they're not  for eveyone…hard to believe right, but true.  Some folks like small furry pets in tanks or cages or maybe your a reptile kind of person…or how about a bird or fish tank….non of them either you say.   Well I may have something for you that you haven't even thought of.  How about a turtlle habitat,  easy to maintain and lots of fun for the kids.

Check out this Zoo Med's Aquatic Turtle Habitat Tub Kit, a comfortable yet healthy habitat that is relatively simple to set up and maintain.  Zoo Med's Aquatic Turtle Tub makes for an excellent way to properly house and accommodate the needs of your pet aquatic turtle. By replicating the natural “pond” environment that aquatic turtles (in the wild) would live in, this innovative aquatic turtle tank tub results in less animal stress, which helps to promote overall health.

This turtle tub includes built-in water and large land areas that are perfect for natural basking and egg laying behavior. In addition, this turtle tank tub is lightweight as well as easy to clean and made right here in the USA of 100% recycled materials.

The kit has everything you will need to get you started, (except for the turtles) of course, and you can choose from several different site to purchase it.  Although it may seem pricey, the kit includes everything you need,so keep that in mind.  It is also on sale on some of the sites, so take a look.  Enjoy!



